Combine the filters of the legendary EQs as you want, build analog saturation, get the original unique sound using uniQ.
AUv3 version 2.0.5 (Sep 19, 2022)
VST2 version 2.0.5 (Sep 19, 2022)
VST3 version 2.0.5 (Sep 19, 2022)
VST2 version 2.0.3 (May 18, 2022)
VST3 version 2.0.3 (Sep 20, 2022)
AQ560 — All Bands (Peak);
AQ550 — LF (Shelf), LF (Peak), MF (Peak), HF (Shelf), HF (Peak);
AQ550b — LF (Shelf), LF (Peak), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf), HF (Peak);
BQ-A — LF (Shelf), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
BQ-73 — LF (Shelf), MF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
BQ-80B — LF (Shelf), LMF (Peak), HMF (Peak), HF (Shelf);
AQP-1A — LF (Boost, Atten), HF (Boost, Atten);
AQ3D — All Bands (Shelf, Peak), Air (Shelf).
AQ550 BPF;
BQ-A HPF (25, 50, 100 Hz), LPF (9, 12, 15 kHz);
BQ-73 HPF (50, 80, 160, 300 Hz);
BQ-80b HPF 50Hz;
Analog Emulation Filters HPF (10, 23, 25 Hz), LPF;
Saturator panel has 5 saturation types and two mixed modes («Blocks» and «Blocks + Analog Noise»). Mixed modes «Blocks» and «Blocks + Analog Noise» allow you to mix different saturation types in 5 blocks, thus getting unique saturation in output.
- 30 filters of legendary equalizers;
- 5 filter modules with independent Stereo/Mid/Side modes;
- 21 additional filters;
- 5 types of saturation with the possibility of mixing;
- 3 types of graphical interface with scalability.
- Double click — reset to default value;
- Shift — reduce knob/fader sensitivity.